Studio YogaOmline- Media & Presse
Ashwani startete YogaOmline im Jahr 2008 – er war eine Inspiration für viele Yogis auf der ganzen Welt, sehen Sie sich bitte an, was seine Kunden über ihn zu sagen haben, und natürlich hat das Studio YogaOmline seit 2016 eine fantastische Yoga-Community in Osnabrücksee geschaffen. Was sagen unsere Kunden unsere Referenzen. Kunden & Erfahrungsberichte Was sagen unsere Kunden unsere Referenzen. Kunden & Erfahrungsberichte
Yoga with Ashwani in Slavonice
Ashwani Bhanot in NDTV Goodtimes
Ashwani Bhanot with Broadcast Media, Germany and Others
ch wollte mal wieder tief durchatmen,
mich bewegen, mich entspannen
und gut essen". sagt Martina.
Die Krankenschwester suchte im Internet nach einem Ort, der ihre Wunsche kombinierenkonnte, und fand .Das Haus am
Watt". Diecharmante Pension liegt an einem Deichim Nationalpark Wattenmeer, fern von jedem Ort. Familie Ehlers-Witt betreibt das.
Haus am Watt" und bietet aus pers6nlicher Oberzeugungeine rein vegetarische und ausgezeichnete Kuche. .Jch freue mich, wenn dieZeit bei uns fur viele ein Impuls ist, etwas zu andern und weniger Fleisch zu essen".
The articles were published by leading German magazines on Yoga with Ashwani Bhanot at Haus am Watt, North Sea in year 2007. The article talk about Yoga, what yoga is and how Ashwani got into the profession of Yoga teaching after leaving his career in Information Technology. Its wonderfully well written article also mentioning the natural beauty of North Sea and also this 200 year old vegetarian Pension "Das Huas am Watt".
The articles were published by leading German magazines on Yoga with Ashwani Bhanot at Haus am Watt, North Sea in year 2007. The article talk about Yoga, what yoga is and how Ashwani got into the profession of Yoga teaching after leaving his career in Information Technology. Its wonderfully well written article also mentioning the natural beauty of North Sea and also this 200 year old vegetarian Pension "Das Huas am Watt".
The articles were published by leading German magazines on Yoga with Ashwani Bhanot at Haus am Watt, North Sea in year 2007. The article talk about Yoga, what yoga is and how Ashwani got into the profession of Yoga teaching after leaving his career in Information Technology. Its wonderfully well written article also mentioning the natural beauty of North Sea and also this 200 year old vegetarian Pension "Das Huas am Watt".
The articles were published by leading German magazines on Yoga with Ashwani Bhanot at Haus am Watt, North Sea in year 2007. The article talk about Yoga, what yoga is and how Ashwani got into the profession of Yoga teaching after leaving his career in Information Technology. Its wonderfully well written article also mentioning the natural beauty of North Sea and also this 200 year old vegetarian Pension "Das Huas am Watt".
Article on Kida Yoga conducted by Ashwani in the year 2007 at AWM the Natur Kindergarten Busum, Germany.
The articles were published by leading German magazines on Yoga with Ashwani Bhanot at Haus am Watt, North Sea in year 2007. The article talk about Yoga, what yoga is and how Ashwani got into the profession of Yoga teaching after leaving his career in Information Technology. Its wonderfully well written article also mentioning the natural beauty of North Sea and also this 200 year old vegetarian Pension "Das Huas am Watt".
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Studio YogaOmling is a group of young, dynamic and energetic individuals who walk the path of Yoga. They got inspired by the most beautiful and exciting one of the oldest existing philosophies of the world.
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