• Mon-Sat : 8:00 AM - 19:00 PM
  • +541 407 15 920
  • +541 407 15 920
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Große Straße 67 (Erste Etage) 49074 Osnabrück

Phone Number:

Telefon: 0541 - 407 15 920

Handy: 0174 7963397

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EGYM machtfit.de   Studio YogaOmling

Studio YogaOmling is a group of young, dynamic and energetic individuals who walk the path of Yoga. They got inspired by the most beautiful and exciting one of the oldest existing philosophies of the world.

Kooperationspartner KAFFEE   EVA HUSER   Elles
Find Us At Working Hours
  • Monday - Saturday: 8:00 Am - 18:00 Pm
  • Sunday: Closed
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